23 Sep Cornea
What is cornea?
Cornea is the first transparent layer of the eye acting as a lens to allow the light rays to enter the eyes enabling the vision possible for an eye. It contributes to almost 65% power of the eyes, besides the natural lens. It is like a dome making all rays focus at a single point in the eye.

Problems of cornea
Any Loss of shape (Keratoconus) of cornea or Loss of transparency of cornea ( Opaque cornea or corneal scar, Corneal infections or corneal edema) can prevent the light to enter the eyes ,and affect good vision in the eyes.These need to be treated with medications in some cases while may eventually need a corneal replacement procedure i.e. Corneal Transplantation in few.

Corneal Problems
- Keratoconus
- Corneal abcess or infections.
- Corneal clouding or Edema.
- Corneal scars
Corneal Procedures
- Cross Linking
- Intacs
- Optical keratoplasty